CALL US: 240-753-8519

HoofBeats Stable
Equine Education Through Rescue and Rehabilitation
Private Riding Lessons
Private Riding Lessons are the best way to learn to ride and can be customized to each individual student and horse.
Minimum Donation: $65 per student
Semi Private Riding Lessons
Semi Private Riding Lessons are another great way to learn to ride. These lessons are for parent/child or up to 2 friends.
Minimum donation: $40 per student
Semi Private Horsemanship Lessons
Horsemanship lessons include non-riding training and care of equine and stables. These lessons are a great way for families to prepare to lease or own a horse. Up to 4 students can be taught together, if requested.
Minimum Donation: $40 per student
Private Horsemanship Lessons
Horsemanship lessons include non-riding training and care of equine and stables. These lessons are a great way for individuals to prepare to lease or own a horse.
Minimum Donation: $65 per student
Dressage Training
Dressage training available to green-2nd level equine. Tuneups and starting horses under saddle available.
Ask for pricing
Groundwork Training
Groundwork sessions available for clients with their own equine, horse, pony, donkey or mule! (Special pricing for other equine!)
Minimum Donation: $50 per 1 hour session
We board our equine at a handful of wonderful facilities but do not offer boarding at this time.
Volunteering is sometimes available, ask if interested!

HoofBeats Stable exists to make equine education available and accessible to all who seek to learn it. The focus of our educational program is an all around approach to the equine-human interaction. Students don't simply learn to ride on the back of a horse but how to see, feel and communicate with that animal as an individual. Lessons are taught on a variety of mounts, some of our horses and ponies are still learning some skills or need a unique approach due to physical limitations. While we offer beginner through advanced lessons in both english and western riding, lessons are geared towards both the human and the horse and students learn a more all around approach to riding and training.
Our students are as unique as our animals and we develop each lesson specifically for the student and horse pair involved. There is no pressure to show or compete although some opportunities are available, and there is never pressure to move up a level or complete the next milestone. Students work at their own pace and success is measured in how happy and comfortable all participants are, horse and human.
Our students come from all walks of life. No matter their stage in life whether the beginning, middle or end, no matter their race, religion or creed, no matter their neuro diversity, all are welcome here.
Our animals each come from a hard past, each needed a soft place to land. We do rescue, owner surrender and training and placement. Some of our horses come through from other rescues and receive the training boost they need to be adopted out. Some come from owners who need to place a horse quickly, and still others from neglect or abuse.
Last but not least, our education program is not solely riding lessons. We offer horsemanship lessons as well! These lessons allow students to do more in depth and all around care and training on both our rideable animals and our animals in rehabilitation and without ridability.
We hope to offer driving lessons in the next six months with our more accessible Hero's Chariot!
For Donations:
HoofBeats Stable
2617 S Everly Dr,
Frederick MD
Educational Program:
The Sevens Ranch
5101 Jefferson Pike
Frederick, Maryland
Rebecca Wilson-Einhorn - Executive Director
Donations can be sent directly to HoofBeats Stable via Paypal by sending to: